Posts tagged plant-based
Healthy Loaded Sweet Potatoes with Garlic Aioli Sauce

Despite having a food blog, I'm actually fairly lazy in the kitchen. 

Like I enjoy to cook. A lot. It makes me really happy. But if the recipe has 20 ingredients and requires more than an hour of my time, definitely do not sign me up. Ain't nobody got time (or patience) for that. 

I like to keep things simple. And that's why these loaded sweet potatoes and I get along so well.

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Teriyaki Tofu Bowls with Cilantro & Lime Rice

I am a long-time supporter of teriyaki sauce, you guys. 

You can put teriyaki on just about anything and it is instantly darn delicious. You guys agree with me here, don't you? Like I feel like everyone on the planet loves teriyaki? 

You have to love it though, right? How couldn't you? It's sweet, its savory. It's tangy, it's salty. It's got the perfect consistency thing going on. It pairs well with almost anything really. Yeah, it's the best.

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Sweet Beet and Berry Smoothie

Hey guys, me here!

I want to give you guys a quick(ish) backstory to this smoothie, if ya don't mind. 

About a month ago I signed up for a gym membership... for the first time in my life. Yes, really. I typically enjoy running/hiking as my method of working out, but honestly life can be crazy (you know this) and I found myself not making a run or hike happen, at least not daily. I do partially blame this on winter and shorter days, because I don't feel comfortable running in the dark. I'll probably get back into running more when the time changes, though.

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