Frozen Coconut Yogurt Bark with Berries


Coconut yogurt is my summer BFF. 

I know that I call a lot of food items my BFF, which says a lot about who I am, but right now I pinky promise that coconut yogurt is definitely my current BFF. Here's why: IT MAKES EVERYTHING DELICIOUS. Including this Frozen Coconut Yogurt Bark. 


So here's the thing. This recipe is like, stupid easy. Grab a bowl, mix together some yogurt and some maple syrup. Toss in some of your favorite berries. Pour it into a tray and pop it in the freezer. That is literally all this recipe requires. But here's the other thing - your pals don't need to know this. Wow them! Make them think you are a domestic goddess. 

"How did she make this!? It's so coconut-ty and sweet and delicious. She's the best, let's take her shopping." (How your friends would ideally act). 


Actually, you know what this frozen coconut yogurt bark really reminds me of? Cake batter. I swear on my life. I don't know how it happened, but it tastes like a naughty treat that should only be consumed in the confines of your own home where nobody can judge you. But don't worry - it's totes healthy and you don't need to be a weird-o who eats things in the closet about it. 


Get out there and make this my friends! And if you're wondering, you can usually find coconut yogurt in the same section as dairy yogurts.  

print recipe
Frozen Coconut Yogurt Bark with Berries
  • 1 cup coconut yogurt
  • 3 tbsp maple syrup
  • handful mixed berries, fresh or frozen
1. In a small bowl, combine the yogurt and maple syrup. Mix until well combined. 2. Line a cookie sheet (or any tray with a lip) with parchment paper. Pour in the yogurt mixture. Use a spatula to smooth. Evenly distribute the berries over the yogurt. 3. Place in the freezer for at least 2 hours. Break into chunks and serve immediately. Keep stored in the freezer.
Prep time: Cook time: Total time: Yield: 8-10