Five New Year's Resolutions & A Few Christmas Vacay Pics
2017 was such a crazy year! I honestly can't believe it's over but I am so so excited for 2018.
I'm usually not one of those "new year, new me" people, but this year I totally am lol. 2017 was a hectic year... we lived in an actual construction zone while renovating our house for about 8-9 months. Yes, it is as exhausting as it sounds! Haha. But honestly the renovation took so much time and energy, a lot of other things fell to the wayside.
We still have more work to do on the house. A lot of work actually haha. But for now it can wait.... and OH MAN, am I ready to direct my time and energy to other things in 2018!
So after a year dedicated to our home, here are some of the things I want to make sure I focus on in 2018...
1. Working out in the morning. Today was my first morning at the gym and I'm so proud that I actually woke up early and went. I'm not a morning person, so this is going to be tough for me to stick with! I really want to make an effort to work out in the morning though. I've always loved exercising at night versus morning, but as life gets busier I just find it harder and harder to get myself to the gym in the evenings. So way to often I end up just skipping it. You know how it is, after a full day of work and commuting back home, I usually just want to get in my pajamas and eat dinner, haha!
I've also heard from so many people that working out in the morning changed their life by setting up their day with such a positive thing. So I'm excited!
2. Meal prepping/cooking more. This probably sounds weird, since this is a food blog. LOL. But living without a kitchen really threw a wrench in my cooking game. We had no choice but to eat out for a good part of the year, it became a habit. Even after our kitchen became functional, it was still hard for me to make the time and effort to cook for myself. SOOOO I will deifnitely be doing more of that this year.
3. Get back to blogging. This goes with my last resolution. I freaking miss blogging. I basically took this year off. For lots of reasons. But I can't wait to get back. It's a great hobby of mine and a true outlet that I've missed so dearly. I also think I will start sharing other aspects of my life, not just food. So I'm excited for that too :)
4. Travel. We love, love, love to take trips so this is a top priority for 2018. I think we will do a lot of exploring inside the U.S. this year! Some places on our list for this year: Montana, Denver, Yellowstone, Hawaii, Vancouver, Chicago, Santa Fe...
5. Read more. To be realistic, I think my goal will be 2-3 books a month. At least to start! I just started the Harry Potter series again (I haven't read it since third grade) and I am seriously so pumped haha! I love a wide range of books so if you have any that you think are must-reads please tell me in the comments!!!!
Alright, I'm off to bed. That early gym sesh this morning is catching up with me!
Cheers to you and yours for a happy and healthy new year! I hope it's your best yet.
xo - cort.
ohhh p.s! I will share more pics from our trip to Holbox & a little travel guide either later this week or next week :)